Daniel Cassman

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United States Department of Justice Attorney Advisor

June 2017 - Present Washington, D.C. & San Francisco, CA

Represented the United States before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Conducted oversight of the United States Intelligence Community. Co-led a team of forty attorneys responsible for oversight of a major intelligence collection program. Overhauled and modernized oversight of that program, including developing custom software to improve efficiency and quality of oversight.
Assistant Attorney General Award for Outstanding New Initiative (2019)

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit Law Clerk

August 2015 - August 2016 Macon, GA

Drafted orders and opinions, wrote bench memos to prepare the judge for oral argument.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Northern District of California Law Clerk

April 2014 - May 2015 San Francisco, CA

Drafted orders and conducted legal research. Prepared bench memos and assisted in docket management.

Center for International Security and Cooperation Web Developer & Research Assistant

January 2010 - June 2013 Stanford, CA

See http://mappingmilitants.stanford.edu. As a research assistant, analyzed the interactions among terrorist organizations in Iraq. As the sole web developer on the project, created and maintained over three years interactive software to illustrate the evolutions and relationships among terrorist organizations in PHP and MySQL. Built an online editing system to allow research team members with no computer science background to create profiles of militant organizations and create interactive timelines to demonstrate relationships between them. Managed feedback from the research team and incorporated it into the web software. As a teaching assistant, advised undergraduate honors students on writing theses related to international security.


Stanford Law School Juris Doctor

June 2013 Stanford, CA

  • Honors: First Place, Steven M. Block Civil Liberties Award; Goldsmith Writing Prize in Conflict Resolution; Gerald Gunther Prize for Outstanding Performance in Intellectual Property: Copyright
  • Moot Court: Best Oral Argument, Quarterfinalist
  • Journal: Stanford Law Review Executive Board (Senior Online Editor)
  • Clinic: International Human Rights and Conflict Resolution Clinic
  • Activities: Timor-Leste Legal Education Project, Journal of International Law, Streetlaw

Stanford University Bachelor of Arts

June 2010 Stanford, CA

  • Degree: B.A. in Political Science, Computer Science minor
  • Honors: Distinction (top 15%), Honors in International Security Studies
  • Thesis: Persistence and Recurrence of Internal Armed Conflict
  • Activities: Mock Trial team captain (awards: Intercollegiate All-American Attorney, Third Place at the National Championships), Outdoor Education Program Instructor, EMT Program


Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe: An Empirical Analysis of the State Secrets Doctrine

May 2015 Stanford Law Review

67 Stan. L. Rev. 1173. https://www.stanfordlawreview.org/print/article/keep-it-secret-keep-it-safe/

Persistence and Recurrence of Internal Armed Conflict

May 2010 CISAC


Nuclear Challenge from Pakistan and Iran — Part I

October 2009 YaleGlobal Online

with Matthew Rojansky. http://yaleglobal.yale.edu/content/nuclear-challenge-pakistan-and-iran-part1/